Feeling numb after 4th miscarriage...


Just let me start out by saying this was my 4th miscarriage. I have 5 kids all by same man so no new genetics would be causing this at least I dont think so. I lost my first last Sept was 14 weeks.. then last December 6 weeks.. then August 7 weeks. And now last Friday going out the heartbeat had stopped.. I was 8.6 weeks what is going on I had a d&c with the first miscarriage and again with this one this past Tuesday and I still feel awful my body feels like I've been beat.. and I'm so empty inside of course my kids I have cheer me up I gotta keep going for them but like right now when they are asleep I just feel like curling up I cant sleep until early morning I cant understand what's going on I've had test done on me every thing coming back normal.. I'm only 29 my husband is 31. All my kids were born full term nothing wrong so what is going on now what did I do wrong I dont smoke or anything im pretty healthy.. I want my baby back I feel soo sick about this. Just empty sorry I'm rambling on i honestly dont know what to say just wanted to get some of this out as I'm crying. I was on progesterone this time and baby aspirin that obviously didnt help. Of course I want another baby but I do not wanna do this again go through all of this AGAIN.