Super long post, I’m sorry. But any advice is welcomed!!!


I hope i covered most of everything 😬

So my hubs and I have been together for almost 5 years married for 2 and a half. At the start of our relationship I got along really well with his parents. I’m like at one point my hubs and I were having problems and his dad was there to talk to me about it. We all had fun together.

Get pregnant. Things are still pretty good Not much had changed. Super happy for baby.

Engaged. They are over the moon. Couldn’t wait. Wellll then MIL started to basically plan my whole wedding. I was very pressured with the date place all that. Ended up having a wedding that wasn’t my dream wedding. A lot of things I regret not standing up for.

After we got married and the farther along in my pregnancy things just kept getting worse. Not really even sure what caused it.

She’s very full of herself and tries to look like such a great MIL, mom, and grandmother when really she’s not. They are very very manipulative

My sister had planned on taking the photos in the room after we had our soon. And my MIL actually made a comment one day about needing to take the pictures bc my sister would be overwhelmed. (No thanks)

Well I asked when in the room about to have my baby how many people i could have and they said if it’s just a few that’s fine /hubs, mom, sister/ great. Well MIL was sitting there and heard that and I swear she thought she was going to be in there.

Well fast forward. Have my baby, she doesn’t even tell me bye that night. Then she like NEVER came to see her grandson. So of course im not happy with that..

So fast forward a little more we have huge arguments because they think they should be allowed to keep my baby.. he has NO CLUE who you guys are. I also hated going over there because she had NOTHING for my son. So I said I would be more okay coming over if they had diapers wipes formula that kinda stuff. So she went and got everything and a pack n play and said se could keep him now since she got all that?!?! And said that’s what I said it’d take to keep my son.. the FIL has called me a bitch and an ass and said I have problems in my head..

She has also made comments about me on Facebook basically calling me a bad DIL and a lot of stuff. Favors her granddaughter over my son bc “well We actually get to see her” like you can still act like you have two grandchildren??

fast forward, my hubs had a situation that he tried to end his life. Well while in the hospital waiting to see him, his mother blamed it on me. The FIL tried to tell us to just forget everything that’s happened and start over fresh!? He’ll no!!

So hubs was on my side that she was outta her place and outta line well they didn’t really speak. Only reason she started talking to him again was because her mother died.

She hasn’t seen my son in almost 2 months. Hasn’t asked either.

She also told my hubs that she knows things are awkward between all us and it’s okay if I’m not as Christmas with them... who says that?!?!

Well hubs is begging me to go with him and I have no desire to go see them. And my brother and sister in law take the parents side and don’t like me either.

They don’t speak to me. When his dad comes into where I work he doesn’t even speak to me. They don’t like me and have nothing to do with me.. when I’m over there I have to put myself into the conversations because they don’t talk to me. It’s awkward and I hate being around them.

We’ve had probably 4-5 different talks trying to solve things and nothing gets fixed..

And of course the dr apparently told FIL he only has like 5 years left with his heart so they are trying to guilt my hubs into feeling bad and then he’s trying to make me feel bad about seeing them..

How do I get my husband to see my side of things..? And that I don’t want to see them or be around them?