MIL is petty af.

We have been having issues with my in laws. They don't agree with the way we are raising our baby. We feed her too much, hold her too much, she goes to bed too early, she doesn't nap long enough, we don't take her out to see them enough, etc.

We all live within 25 minutes of each other, yet we never hear from them asking to see her or how she's doing.... but it's our fault.

ANYWAY. After a few arguments with them we have noticed my MIL has unfriended me and my husband on facebook. 😆😂😊 I think it's hilarious that a almost 60 year old lady acts like a child. When i do see her shes all up in my face giving me hugs and kisses on my cheek like im the best thing ever. 😐 My husband is pissed and hurt.

I just want to move away from them so I can deal with them less. 😏