WTF! 😡

Alejandra • 19 yrs💍. Mommy of 🙎🏻‍♂️🙎🏻‍♀️💁🏻‍♀️...👼🏻👼🏻...👼🏻vanishing twin...TTC 🌈 baby...🐶🐶🦎🐠

We have been TTC after our miscarriage. I have been charting and doing all sorts of stupid stuff! Keep your legs up, use pre-seed, bundle up and don’t touch the cold floor with your feet, drink lots of dairy, prenatal, folic acid, vitamin b-6, vitamin D, treating my body as if it was pregnant so I would be ready for the next. I started spotting today and completely lost it! I, no idea why!, took a pregnancy test right now and it was a faint positive! I went to read the reviews of the Walgreens brand and over 100 reviews mention these tests give false positives!! WTF! How can they play like this.