Feeling stuck.


So all I've ever done for work is care giving. Everyone tells me I'm great at it and that it's my calling. I've even been told I should be a nurse. But the problem is I hate it. I truly hate it. It is so emotionally draining. You have to watch sick people become even more sick. And eventually the nice people start acting nasty and irrational when you are bending over backwards for them already. Not to mention its absolutely unfulfilling on a day to day basis. All you do is regular house shores and bathing. It's mind numbing. But I can't seem to get out of this trap. Every time I need money again I go back to it. Because I know how to do it and it's easy to find more clients in a pinch. I finally got to quit doing it when I got married. But I was going to try to find another job in replacement. Well that hasn't happened. Nobody cares that I have worked and hed a job. They only care about the fact that I've never gotten trained in their business. Well I can't learn if nobody is willing to teach me and I don't have money for college because nobody will hire me. I'm in this endless loop of desperately clawing my way out and falling straight back into care giving. Idk what to do anymore. My confidence has disappeared and my drive to even try anymore is withering. Should I just give up and accept that all I'll ever be is a glorified housemaid? Should I just give up on ever being able to go back to school because IHSS only pays minimum wage and college is way too expensive? I want to work with animals with all my heart. Or even something to do with fitness. I just want something that isn't caregiving anymore. I used to work at an animal shelter and that was the best job I ever had. But my mom got sick so I had to take over her clients thus thrusting me into this horrible career. I just want my husband to be able to leave his job for a better one. And I want us to be able to raise a family together. But honestly, how can we do that if all ill ever be is stuck.