Missing Periods

Hi guys! I’m hoping that I can get some feedback and insight from you amazing women. I’m 32 years old. I’ve had irregular periods for years. Since my teens. I was told about 5 years ago by my gynecologist that I had PCOS. She has always urged me to take BC to help regulate my cycles. I did for years as a teen and then in my early 20’s but in my late 20’s I decided it was silly to take medication to make my body do what it should be doing naturally, especially considering the fact that I wasn’t sexually actively at the time. Earlier this summer she discovered a grape sized polyp in my uterus. It was removed a few weeks after discovery and a biopsy was performed. All was well, no cancerous cells. I was told that the removal of the polyp would help regulate my cycles. It didn’t. I am now in a relationship and we have sex maybe once or twice a week. We hardly ever use protection. Here and there. Sometimes we use the pull out method, other times we don’t. My cycle is 18 days late but this isn’t unusual. I’ve gone months and months without one in the past. My SO wants me to take a test bc I just recently had a stomach bug that made me vomit a few times and have dizzy spells. I don’t see the need. It doesn’t happen (pregnancy). Not that we’re trying but we’re not doing anything to really stop it either. We’d both be happy if it happened but we’re so afraid of trying so we don’t “officially” say ok let’s try. Taking a test is so weird for me bc I’m expecting it to be negative but when it is you always have this sense of “it never happens, can’t happen, won’t happen.” We’ve had some scares in the past similar to this and I’m quietly let down each time. We’d love to have a child and start a family but it seems like it won’t be a casual “whoopsie” situation but rather one that may require some help. Do any of you have suggestiosn for those dealing with PCOS, irregular cycles, and pregnancy. Has it happened for any of you that suffer from the same symptoms/disorders? I just need some hope and encouragement. Please share whatever you can with me. Thanks!