I feel like a bad mom


My daughter is going to be 3 months old in 4 days, and she barely holds her head up. She only does it for a few seconds or so but not very much. We try to do tummy time with her but she can only go about 5 minutes before shes just hysterical then she really doesn’t try. I just don’t know how to get her to build her strength because she gets so frustrated or lazy about it. It’s making me feel like a bad mom because idk what else to do to help her strengthen her muscles to hold up her head. 😓 she may even need to get a helmet for a while because she has a flat spot where she likes to favor when she sleeps. Does anyone have any tips for me? She just really hates tummy time but I know she needs to spend more prolonged periods of time practicing. 😢

Also, she isn’t really into toys yet so it doesn’t work as an incentive to lift her head :(