Any changes if first iui fails

Hayle • 5 yr old daughter. 1 👼🏼 1-23-19. Ttc baby #2.

If my first <a href="">iui</a> doesn’t work is there something else I should try to help make number 2 work? Hopefully I don’t need number 2, but never know. I’ve done 3 timed intercourse with trigger. First two with clomid. 3rd with letrozole and this <a href="">iui</a> with letrozole. If this fails it’s 4 times of the same routine failing. We don’t have male infertility as he had 26 mil post wash and they only thing they could find wrong with me was not ovulating on time. So basically missing ovulation. Or does this route just take time? I only have 2 more tries with <a href="">iui</a> and we’re done with treatment. So any advice would be greatly appreciated!