Complicated Situation

I honestly don’t really think I have PPD and I just started seeing a therapist and she kind of said she thinks it’s situational too. Well, I’m honestly very atypical. I love working and love going to school and I’m really not someone who can live a zombified life like most people. I’m a SAHM and I hate it. I’ve lost my identity. I used to be a super bubbly, friendly, confident, outgoing woman. People gravitated toward me constantly. This just isn’t enough stimulation for me. I’m so sick of talking about babies with other moms. I don’t know how people do it. I NEED to be thinking and talking about deep stuff that IM PASSIONATE ABOUT! Honestly, I’m often sorry I had a baby. I want to be young (I’m only 23). I feel robbed. I want to date more, travel more, and live a simplified life for a little longer. I was pressured into keeping the baby when I accidentally got pregnant. Sometimes, I think that it would be better for everyone if I just left my son with his father. I mean staying like this can’t be good. I just don’t know..

{Edited by Glow}