Was I just sexually harrassed?


I was at walmart and my mom left me for a little to go grab something and this 50 year old man came up to me and asked in an annoyed voice, "Why couldn't YOU wake me up this morning?" and then he walked away and yelled dammit. I'm 16 years old. His cart was broken, so the sound of his cart was loud and it kept ringing in my ears. I kept hearing it and all I wanted to do was run out and go home and cry.

edit: I was just asking because sexual harassment doesn't just have to be physical. I was sexually harrassed when I was 9. Old teenagers groping me while covering my mouth and pushing me against a tree. I've been through stuff and I know what sexual harassment is. My therapist tells me all about it. I was just scared and confused after this incident and I went home crying. Maybe it wasn't anything. I just wanted opinions and I thought everyone on this app would've been understanding.

Also, this man looked at me up and down and when he yelled dammit, everyone around us was looking and a lady even asked me if I was okay. It was scary. He said it in a sexual way and yelled dammit in an angry way. That's why I was asking.

I'm sorry I overreacted.