Found something on my 14 year old daughter's phone

I had to get my phone replaced through T-Mobile so I kept my daughter's phone for the day. She's 14 years old , now I usually don't go through her phone but I always try to scare my kids and tell them that I monitor their phones online I'm not very electronic savvy so I just be asked them and tell them that I have a special app or something just to kind of scare them. I usually do a lazy job checking her messages. I don't ever go through her trash can or spam well I looked into her deleted files on her email and I found a dating website where she's looking for women. And it was an adult website.

A couple years ago she came out and told us that she was molested & raped by a family member. So I'm really careful and lenient about a lot of things with her well I didn't really want to dig into the website I just waited till she got home and showed her the email and waited for her explanation.

She assured me that she wasn't gay that she just got on there and was curious and whatnot how do I go about getting my daughter to admit that she's bi or lesbian. For as long as I can remember she had a best friend that she would hold hands with they would sleep in the same bed and I just thought it was innocent but I noticed that her friend kind of cut the cord. And I know that I have to let her do it on her own but what worries me is it she has Tourette's and stereotypies so she has to take medications and I don't want her to be depressed because she couldn't tell someone in the past she's talked about committing suicide hanging herself in the garage, now this girl is confident all of my kids are. She plays instruments she's in all honor classes where she has A's across-the-board she is very athletic she plays softball tennis she's involved in all sorts of school clubs I just want her to come out she hasn't told anyone else that it was a curiosity of hers , she told me that she was just curious on the website. I was kind of relieved that she wasn't talking to grown men on there & that she didn't post any pictures of herself she was just looking through other girls profiles.

I had a long talk with her that I was okay with her if that's what she wanted that id accept her no matter what that we would always love her unconditionally. I understand because I was also molested and raped as a child.

How can I get my girl 2 open up about it I've tried to be patient and give her time but because of her situation of being molested and raped let's just say I caught up with the family member and I press charges and we've been going to court for like a year she seems more depressed and scared because of her speech impediment and having to go on trial I know she has a lot of pressure on her now I just want to lighten her load I feel like there's something she wants to tell me. I don't want my impatience to drive her away but we joke all the time about guys she has a thing for Freddy Mercury.

Am I just overreacting or should I just let her do it on her own time