Should I message her

I used to have a best friend in high school and we were inseparable. We had arguments even now and then but we knew everything about each other. The only reason we stopped talking was because she is in a relationship with and living with a married man and her, him, the wife, and him and the wife’s daughter all live together. She got so close with them she basically cut everyone off and starting getting very distant from me, even though they don’t make her drive or even have a job. She also went against my wishes of her calling me sexy and beautiful and gorgeous(because she admitted to having a crush on me before) and I just eventually stopped replying because we would always message for a few minutes before she stopped replying and didn’t talk to me again for a couple of months and it just became a cycle until I stopped replying. I’m going through a really hard time right now and I have no one to talk to except for my family and I just can’t talk to them about it like I would with her. Even though that was years ago. But we didn’t end on bad terms. I don’t want to talk to her just because I’m having a hard time. I wish I could tell her that I hope she’s doing good in life and all that. Should I even bother trying to message her?