

So long story.. when I was around 15-16 years old I went to the doctor and was told I was 300 pounds and had to do something immediately. Over the course of a few Years I lost over 100 pounds. I was 173 at my lowest. Which is amazing! Went from a size 24 in jeans to a 10. BUT so much loose skin so of course I still feel as huge as I was and in my mind I'm still that big girl. Gained some after highschool after being comfortable w my now fiance. I was around 190 ish.. Some time past and I found out I was pregnant. I was 183 at my first appt. By the end of my pregnancy I weighed 220 ish. Over some months with the help of addipex I got down to 180 ish. I've managed to get around 175. But I'm still struggling with my image and my weight. I feel like I need to lose 20 more pounds. Is there anything out there similar to addipex that actually helps curb your appetite? That seems to be the only thing that ever worked for me. I've tried keto, low carb, and I always wind up cheating and giving in. I will post pictures of before, while I was pregnant and currently.

The left is at my heaviest. The right is after I graduated.

Last picture I took before labor. Few days before.


Last 2 are from last week