I feel broken...long post sorry

I have a good life. A nice roof over my head, a great husband, and a decent paying job. I feel guilty for feeling the way I do. I have been struggling for over a year now and it has progressively gotten worse.

I worked so hard to get my Bachelors degree in education. I didn’t get a job my first year and did sub jobs, which sucked because I was literally the only person from my class to not get hired. I got a job year two and halfway through the year, my husband got his dream job so we moved and i commuted a long way to work...I worked very long hours and worked very hard. The next year I got a teaching job closer to home and it was supposed to be great and comparatively easier. I am so miserable in my job. I feel so guilty for hating it. I want to quit every day.

I feel like my husband and I have busted our backs to be smart and financially responsible. Which translates to, I put what I really want (a family) on hold for a career (that I hate). I found out a few days ago that my SIL is pregnant. It’s like the straw that broke the camels back, it sent me spiraling. I’ve been trying so hard to cover up my anxiety and depression for over a year, but this made it so real to me. I feel like I’m literally going crazy because I have no one to talk to.

If you’re still reading this...thank you. I’m not sure I need advice, I just needed to vent. I feel so alone.