so what would you say or do? am i wrong?

Selena • 25 ✨ God is everything ❤️

a little back story. my husbands mom HATES me, for absolutely no reason at all, i’m hispanic (so is she) and she’s very racist towards me. she has accused me of preforming black magic on her son so he can be with me 🤦🏻‍♀️ she’s called me every name in the book, harassed me, stalked me, hired someone to run me off the road, threatened my life, harassed my husband, locked me in a room to yell at me and threaten to infect me with AIDS. she has full blown AIDS, so she told me how she’d do it do so my husband could leave me. and so so much more!! i’ve put a restraining order against her and i had to take it down because she was going absolutely PSYCHO!! her family begged me to take of off, so i did. she has several mental issues that her whole family are aware of but ignore. which is so sad because she’s wasting her life hating everyone!! she’s delusional and just so controlling. she’s a narcissist and has no empathy for ANYONE.

so any who, she found out i was pregnant and told my husband that it wasn’t his. to leave me because i’m Mexican and a whore, (because apparently all Mexicans are whores and sleep around and have lots of sexual stds) she said she would come tell me in my face in Spanish so i could understand and that i’m with him for a green card 🤦🏻‍♀️ sweety, i was born here and so were my parents, i don’t need him for that lol. but anywho, she told him she wants nothing to do with our daughter, even if it is his child. and she insists that we get a paternity test to prove it’s not his (we’ve been trying for a year + for this baby) but even then because she came out of me she wants nothing to do with her. for me that’s perfectly fine. it’s not her choice whether she wants to be in her life her not, i get to decide that not her. and so long story short he sends me this, what would you say? 🤦🏻‍♀️

i’ll post my response if you guys wanna see it


this was his response. but we talked about it in person the next day. i feel bad because he’s never had a father in his life and never had a real mother either. (she’s been like this and worse with him his whole life) i can see it hurts him because he wants a relationship with her but as from what i can see and have seen it’s never going to happen :/ she will never change and it breaks my heart.