Newborn won’t latch.


I had my baby 12/27 6pm via C section. 10lbs 5oz !!!

That night he had low blood sugar so we nursed within hours of him being born! I was so happy that he latched and we got his sugars up and normal in the next 24 hours.

However, today he won’t latch. He won’t suck. My colostrum is there if I hand express. My milk will be in tomorrow I think. If I pump I get alittle as of this evening. I gave him 10ml of formula around 12 and again around 4. After trying to nurse. Then once we got home again he wouldn’t latch. Just cries at the breast. I express some colostrum on my nipple and his lips and nothing. So I pumped 10min and gave that to him via a bottle.

What’s my next step?? I want to nurse so badly but don’t want to pump and really don’t want to supplement unless I have to!