Principals of Stealing. HELP PLEASE.


I’m so fucking salty right now. My boyfriend and I went to get Chinese food, and on the way back, we stopped at a gas station for water and condoms. (WHICH I OFFERED TO PAY DESPITE BEING BROKE AS FUCK.) Well at the check out register, I looked down and found 2 $5’s folder Into each other. Little back story : I lost my job to some bullshit from my new manager November 30th, and I’ve been actively seeking a job. I had an interview at Rite Aid and it went great until they asked me if I had been terminated. I’m an honest person, so I said yes. They didn’t ask why. That disqualified me from the job. So I have a new job lined up, ready to start January 14th. The only problem is : I have bills. I start school on the 22nd, I haven’t taken out a single loan for school. I’ve paid my way through, and I’m trying to put money aside for class. My new job will be bi-weekly, which means I won’t get my first paycheck until February. When my boyfriend saw I found money, he took it from me and returned it to the cashier. We argued on the car ride home and haven’t spoken since. I’m sitting in the living room cuddled in a blanket holding a glass of wine. I really wanted to cry. I’m so stressed out with bills and I’ve been trying so damn hard to find another job that’s paid weekly, the second that life tries to help me out, he takes it away from me. What am I suppose to do? Who’s right here?