Am I over exaggerating??

I may sound extremely crazy but that’s why I have y’all to correct me if I’m wrong. So I have a bsf of 5 years. We’ve grown really close and he says we’re "basically” dating bc we don’t engage in outside relationships and just keep in touch with our current friends and family of course. But we haven’t officially sat down and said we’re a couple but he’s met my family and they get the vibe we’re dating even though I told them we’re not. Anywho, for New Years he went out to eat with this 28 year old woman ig he met while I was away at school (I go to school out of state and he’s 21) and earlier on New Years <a href="">Eve</a> I asked him if he would spend the day with me and he said "I’ll think about it". What has me very ill right now is the fact he said "I’ll think about it" to spending New Years with me and people he’s known for a long time but he went out to eat with this woman he barely knows and invited her over to his cousins house. So am I over exaggerating? Or because we technically aren’t official, should I not let it bother me as much ?

Thanks y’all!