Missed Miscarriage... 😰


Well my dr called me for a follow up ultrasound today and although I should be 8 weeks tomorrow the baby still measured 6 weeks - which is the same it measured 2 weeks ago - and no heartbeat this time. I have miscarried... my dr offered a D&C but I want to avoid surgery at all costs and she offered medication to induce the passing of everything but I read horror stories of painful cramping so I declined. I told her I want to wait and hope it naturally passes. Can anyone share their experience of naturally passing? Is there anything I can do to help it along? She made me an appt for 3 weeks and if nothing happens before then I think she wants me to do the D&C (I’m scared to death of the IV!!) My next choice is the medication but I don’t know if she’ll let me do that after 3 more weeks of waiting.