Mirena, do not recommend(m/c&polyps)

Audrey • GSD momma, prek mom, rainbow baby due October!!! Finally after so many that have past. Its a BOY and husband is thrilled!

First off i have only been pregnant once and was a totally healthy pregnancy with no issues from start to finish. Never had any miscarriages. Never had any obgyn issues. After my daughters birth...

I had my mirena inserted december of 2013. The only side effects i had was irregular periods which didnt bother me since ive always had irregular cycles since i got my period at 15. I had it removed in august of this year. I go pregnant immediately but had a miscarriage. I bleed for 2 weeks with a ton of clots the size of lemons! I was hospitalized october 4 and i was told by er doctor that i had lost so much blood that it was worse than a gun shot victim. I recieved 2 pints of blood. This was my first miscarriage. Afterword my husband and i stopped tcc because we wanted my cycle to even out and thought that the mirena might have caused the mc. Well the one day we had sex in october i got pregnant again. I had another mc late november but this time i didnt go to the hospital because it was a normal bleed not super heavy and no clots. Well i go back to the obgyn in december and the doctor does a SIS procedure to see if theres anything in uturus. Well they found a polyp!!! LIKE WTF!!! I have never had any issues and after having mirena removed im having to deal with all of this. I was never told that mirena could cause miscarriage or multiple miscarriages after removal and now i believe that it caused the polyp. Theres no other explaination for a completly healthy woman who had no issues EVER to have all this happen. Which is why i believe that the iud device has caused these issues. I would not recommend this type of birth control to anyone and i wanted to let you guys know what has happened in my case so that no one has to go threw this.