4 month old not really lifting head much


My daughter is 4 months old and still has a lot of trouble with tummy time. I practice with her every day all day. We use rolled up blankets, the boppy pillow, I do alternative exercises to try and strengthen those muscles as well. Sometimes she can lift her head for a few seconds at a time while on the boppy pillow during tummy time but that's about it. She still doesn't understand the concept of pushing off of her arms. We just had her checkup yesterday and I mentioned it to her pediatrician and he kinda just blew it off. Honestly I think I'm going to switch doctors soon anyway because this is the third appointment we've waited an hour+ for him and he just rushes through everything because he's late. My daughter also favors her right side heavily. Leans that way during tummy time, always wants to look that way and fights me if I try and gently turn it to the left. I mentioned this as well but all he said was that she doesn't have any skull deformities, which is great but that's not what I was worried about. I'm not looking for a diagnosis I'm just looking for some guidance on what I can do to help her progress. Did anyone else's baby take this long? Should I try going straight to a physical therapist for an evaluation? My LC, a nurse at the hospital and the pediatric dentist who released her lip tie early on did all mention separately that she was very "tight" in the neck area. I brought that up to her pediatrician too but he just dismissed it.