On the fence...lengthy post


Okay ladies, need some heartfelt advice here.

Long story short...

Recently connected with a guy that I actually grew up down the street from. Genuinely a good guy, good work ethic, recovering alcoholic, has a 10 year old boy that is just adorable (which says a lot coming from me, never wanting kids).

A few things are troubling me at this point...

He is 10 years older than me; I am 27. Personally, age doesn't bother me a whole lot; he would probably be close to the cutoff for how much older I would be comfortable with as a prospective significant other. My mother has her thoughts about it, and the age difference makes her a little leery...so of course, what Momma Bear voices rests in the back of my mind...

I wound up giving him my number, we messaged back and forth for a couple days and then I went to his place to watch a football game and then a movie with him and his son. All was good, I thoroughly enjoyed myself, left after a couple hours.

After exchanging messages for a couple more days, he got more persistent about hanging out again. My work schedule is hectic, but I told him I would let him know. Shortly thereafter, being the open and perverted people we are, the topic of sex came up. Just in a general sense, nothing particular. Next thing I know, he asks me a couple very sexual questions about if I like this or that. Which totally threw me for a loop, I wasn't expecting someone pushing 40 to breach the dirty talk line so abruptly. Yes, I suppose I set myself up for it, but the blantant way he went about it really rubbed me wrong. Which I informed him it did, and he apologized. But it kinda still weirds me out. Plus he calls me baby and sweetheart and I guess it just kinda weirds me out. So I am a little worried he's out for a booty call, even though he says he isn't, that he wants a girlfriend, etf...

He is also good friends with my ex. I try to not make a habit of dating my ex's friends, so I am trying to tread lightly overall. This factor also makes it extremely weird or awkward for me. Not necessarily in a bad way, but I am not sure how to process at this point.

He keeps wanting to hang out and yes I had a wonderful time with him and his son. But this whole...awkward sense I'm getting is preventing me from actually pursuing spending more time together.

Help me process this all, please???