I’m a burden....

I just feel like such a burden no matter what I do. My husband says he doesn’t expect me to always have the house clean or help pay for bills, but then he turns around and gets mad at me if I didn’t clean up a mess right away or if my paycheck wasn’t enough to pitch in for the electric bill.

Then my mom is living with us and she is just mean period. Like this morning she woke me up and asked to follow her down the street like a half a block to make sure she got there because her tire needed air. All I did was stretch and she got all mad and yelled at me that I’m a lazy piece of shit and to forget it and stormed off.

When my mom stormed off, she took off with my keys. So I didn’t have my keys to drive to work. I called her told she needed to bring them back. I then called my boss and explained the situation and said I would just be a little late but I’d be there as fast as I could. Well she was obviously mad. Then just a moment ago I called and asked for bathroom break because I am having a Chemical Pregnancy and needed to change my pad because I’m bleeding so heavy. She was all kinds of mad at me.

I just feel so worthless....