Need advice!


I'm currently 36 +5. My mom is coming in from out of state Sunday to be here when baby girl#2 comes along. I've asked that she be the one to watch my 3yr old when I go into labour but now I'm not even wanting that. I found out that my dad had fevers all Christmas week and just found out that she's had a cold sore for the last 2 weeks and still hasn't been able to get rid of it. She's a very sensitive person and gets offended easily. How can I go about asking her to keep her distance? I feel bad about it, but at the same time I don't need my 3yr old getting anything and passing it on to the baby or her passing anything on...

UPDATE: Thank you for the advice. My mom's cold sore has turned out to be hand foot mouth. So she isn't coming out now until it's cleared her system.