Tired of how life is going and giving up on my already loved future rainbow

To start off at any given place is kind of hard. I'm going to start when I met my boyfriend though. We have known each other since 4th grade and he moved the next year. We were dating that year in 4th grade and when he came back my sophomore year it didnt take long to know it would soon become official. Well other things happened even though I loved him and he loved me. I was in a very abusive relationship and he tried everything to make me leave. We ended up together my senior year of high school. Well my first year of college he moved in with me and my family. His family flipped out because our dog was bad during our vacation and he had enough and came to live with me. He has been living with me for a year and a half. In October we found out that we were expecting a baby. We told our families and made the decision to live with his family until we got a house (they wanted us to own a home) we could afford. I got super sick and everything looked great in the emergency room the first three times I went before my appointment at the doctors. Finally my Thanksgiving holiday break comes along and my appointment. They couldn't find her heartbeat and she was a week behind in growth. Devastated I told my mom and him in the waiting room and fought for another ultrasound in a week. I was waiting to get it almost (2 weeks later scedualled )and I started having odd discharge and finally went to the er since the doctors weren't worried. I was having a miscarriage officially. That night I started having complications and in the morning I was rushed to the er again. I was in the beginning stages of shock and needed an emergency d&c on 11/29. I tried so hard for that baby for 2 years and she was gone. To make matters worse his family said it was better this way and how they would be made fun of for having medical complications by his brothers (she had something believed chromosomal). What hurt more though was the word mistake that was used by them when talking about her. She wasnt ever a mistake. They refuse to even admit she was their grandbaby. We weren't ever allowed to even talk about it or be excited around them. They wanted nothing to do with me or our baby. Finally I healed up and a week before Christmas I got worse news from my family. My 15 year old cat had passed and we again were heartbroken. We had a few days of bickering about me from his family and then life went downhill again. Our almost 12 year old pug (12 on Jan 12) got sick out of nowhere. He was rushed to the vet and he had so much wrong with him. We made the hard decision to put him down before he got worse. The house was lonely without them. A few days later his parents decided to really just lay down the final blow to our relationship. They gave me 2 days to be out of their house for no real reason. His dad didnt approve of us sharing a bed together but his dad doesnt like my dad so I believe its stemmed from that. His brother and gf live downstairs though but that is a "different story". I was forced to try to temporarily live with my parents until we figure things out. My parents neighbor is a loon and likes to threaten me to get to my parents since she loves to make my parents angry. He works and is going for his cdl soon and I work and am in school for nursing (2nd year). We have been together 2 years now and we are in our 20's. His family doesnt want him to spend any time with me, doesnt want us engaged (he put on social media that we are because he asked me and I said yes), and tries to keep us from getting an apartment. We have money set aside for our rainbow baby but people (his parents mainly) keep putting us down. Both his brothers moved out at 16 with their gfs. His oldest brother also had 2 kids before even marrying his wife. No one says anything to them though and puts them down. We are both in a slower few weeks with our jobs and refuse to touch whatever we have for our rainbow baby. I'm really wore out from his family and all these losses within a months time. I wish things would get better already. We are happy together and his family purposely makes it hard for us to be together. They are controlling his dad had sole control over his savings account (took money out and never told him), somehow got to be the owner of my bfs car (he was supposed to be the cosigner only), sold my bfs truck at an auction and took the money to pay off his debt (bf went back to get the money and they said he already picked it up but his dad picked it up), they love to emotionally drag him through the mud, and they like to start fights with my mom. I'm hoping life gets better but so far things aren't looking good. Thanks for listening and for any advice you may have.