*Emotional and frustrated* Friends and Family is the issue. They dont understand boundaries.

Im so pissed and just want to cry. People constantly ask my husband and I when we will be having a baby and we always give a generic answer to get them off our backs. I just got a random notification of someone tagging me in something that predicated id have a baby this year. Im pissed because we have been TTC for almost 6 months now and I dont need people especially people i dont even talk to like that tagging me in stuff thats none of their bussiness. I could seriously cry right now. Im in my TTW now so i pray its our month. I dont need the added stress of people loading up my social media with stuff about baby predictions. Its so much pressure and frankly its between my husband and I. Its suppose to be a surprise whenever we do get out BFP. So no one knows we are TTC because we dont need people bothering us asking if we have we got a BFP yet? More then anything because this is a special time for my husband and I. As soon as I got the notification I checked it out saw my name tagged all for the world to see... sure it was just a picture of about 30 random names predicting anyone listed would be pregnant this year but still, its the principle. People have no clue how hard getting pregnant can be! I dont need a bunch of people commenting on social media and harrassing me in person. Im already to the point I dont like spending time with family and friends anymore because they ALL ASK THE SAME QUESTIONS EVERY SINGLE TIME WE HANG OUT. I give the exact same generic answers every single damn time and im sick and tired of being harassed. Im literally crying as I type this out. I just want to scream to the world we are trying and to back off stop asking me shit thats none of your damn bussiness! But I dont because I know eveyone means well and wants the best for us. God im so fucking mad that people can be so insensitive to these things. Anyways I removed my tag from the post so hopefully they get the picture. No one liked or commented from what I briefly saw because it wasnt up very long. Its not on my social media and its not on this persons stuff either.. not sure if I actually managed to remove the tag or just made it "hidden" from myself. Obviously i dont want it hidden, I want my name removed because I know its going to start up a whole new load of questions.

Im stuck between a rock and a hard place. I dont want to say anything and potentially spill the beans that we are trying.. or say nothing and it look as if we dont want a baby making it look like its an accident whenever we are pregnant. I think im not going to say anything im hoping no one saw anything and maybe this person will realize that I dont want her tagging me in stuff like that anymore. I dont even know this person like that.

Did I do the right thing removing my tagged name so that no one else would see the post and start asking about kids more then they already do? Or should I have left it up because now it looks like we dont want kids at all or not for a long time? When we are pregnant it will be the most amazing biggest blessing. 1000% planned. I would never want anyone to assume it was an accident. God I want this so bad. I also want to be left alone in please without people harrassing me about stuff thats not for them to know!