BFF Ghosted. Long.


So I will try to make this as short as possible. My BFF and I have been friends since we were 13, we are in our early 30s now. After high school I moved away for college but we still kept in touch though not as often. She was a bridesmaid in my wedding when I was 21, and traveled 1,000 miles to be there. After college I moved close to where she lives so we were about a 4 hour drive away. We didn’t see each other for the first couple of years because we were poor and just starting out and I had my first child soon after our move. We kept in touch and visited each other at least once a year after we started working and earning more, alternating who made the trip.

Fast forward a few years, we are keeping in touch, talking regularly, and consistently visiting over 3-4 years. It’s spring 2017 and I am pregnant with baby number 2. I, of course, invite her to my baby shower and she promises to be there. She has to work night shift the night before but says she will grab a couple of hours of sleep and then get on the road by 8am and let me know when she is leaving. I don’t hear from her until after 10 when she says she overslept and will be on her way. I am busy doing last minute things so I didn’t check in until the shower was about to start 4 hours later. I figured she’d make it right as it was starting or just a little after. Nothing. She doesn’t respond to calls, texts, nothing. I am thinking she is dead on the side of the road or something so I text her SO who was not making the trip with her and get no response from them. I can see on Messenger that they’ve both been active recently, since my shower ended. At this point I am super confused but let it go.

A couple of weeks later my son is born so I get pretty busy. But I still send messages, post on fb wall, leave voicemails, etc over the next couple of months but get no answers. At most I get a random like on a picture of my kids I post on fb or instagram. This goes on for a YEAR!!! Finally, I get fed up. Shortly after my son’s first birthday I just unfriend her on everything because it’s not like we have any sort of friendship in real life anymore. And why should she get an inside look on my life when she can’t even be bothered to acknowledge my existence.

So my son is now 20 months old and yesterday out of the blue, I get a friend request from her. I don’t accept it but send her a message that just says “you’re alive”. She says yes. I say “I haven’t heard from you in almost 2 years.” She says that she’s had “some crazy family stuff” and that she’d like to call me and tell me about it. At this point I don’t even know what to do. I am reluctant to let her back into my life. I am 30 weeks pregnant with baby number 3 and she has no clue. But at the same time, she was like a sister to me. But what kind of sister disappears without a trace, without as much as a text??? What should I do????

Edit: I responded to her message saying that I would be free today until 5pm if she wants to call. I am basically putting the ball in her court and making her put in the effort if she wants.