Can I let my ebf baby sleep all night??


My LO will be 5 weeks tomorrow. I was told to wake and feed her every 3 hours if she’s asleep by my lactation consultant who hasn’t really been super helpful. She is short and doesn’t explain things well. This is my first time breastfeeding so I just need some other mamas opinions. I have been waking her to feed all night and feed very often during the day. She is back to birth weight and has plenty of wet diapers and averages one big messy diaper a day. The past week I have not set my alarm to wake her and she went 4-5 hours between a few nights, then 6-7, then last night she slept 8 hours.

I have been pumping between Day feeds so I can keep my supply up and start a back to work stash. Will letting her sleep hurt her weight and development? Will my supply suffer?