Should you be fined if you leave your Christmas lights up too long?


So it is January 5th & was we have our Christmas lights up. My husband said he’d get them down after his overtime slowed down (next week).

This morning, I had the pleasure of talking to a not so delightful neighbor. (The same one who made a petition to keep an all black church out of the neighborhood. 😐)

And she came over to my car while I was putting my daughter in her car seat and asked when we would take our lights down.

I replied “soon”.

She then said “I’ve been talking to the city, and I hope they start to fine people who leave them up past the holidays, it makes our neighborhood look trashy”.

Obviously this woman’s butter has already slid off her biscuit but it got me to thinking, what if this really was something people got fined over? Who else would agree with this? What would the fine be? What would the deadline be to have them down?

What are y’all’s thoughts?

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