Potty Training


My daughter will be 2 in February. My other mom friends said they started at around 20 months. I tried that and she had interest in the potty, but didn't want to actually use it. I left it go. Well we hit a stage where she fights me so hard when it's diaper changing time. She will also take her diaper off when it's dirty. So back to trying again. Day one we didnt have any hits, but she did sit on the potty several times for me. Day two I've spent my whole morning cleaning up urine and wet undies and now she refuses to even sit on the potty. She's showing me all the signs she is ready, but I'm not sure how to get her to make the connection that she needs to use the potty to pee instead of going in her pants. It's hard to even catch her in action because soon as I grab her to put her on the potty she just gets mad and refuses to go anymore. So 10 minutes later I'm cleaning the rest up. I've watched so many videos on potty training in a week with the nude and free method, but it's not helping me get her on the potty, just making more messes for me to clean. Any advice or personal experiences?

P.s. My second is due in June and I really would like her to be potty trained by then!