Would u say hes cheating?

Every single time, whenever my husband and i get into arguments, hed tell me that hes going to cheat on me. Hed also accuse me of doing it, all he ever does is bring up cheating, when our fking argument has nothing to do with CHEATING!

Id say to him that i think he is cheating on me thats why he always have to bring that shit up, and he tells me that if he wants to cheat on me, he can easily do it like a piece of cake.

A few days of the argument, i bring up about the cheating part, and he acts like im being ridiculous. Telling me jot to try to start shit up again. Well, i just want some reassurance. Cause right now i hve a gut feeling that he is cheating on me, or already had. Since hes so secretive w his phone and email.