Positive hpt, negative doctor urine test?!


Guys I’m so confused... I got my first positive hpt on Friday, every day they’ve gotten steadily darker and today (Tuesday) the test line was as dark as the control line. I went to the doc to confirm and they said their urine test was negative!! What’s going on?! It is early (4 weeks +1 day) and my urine was very diluted- early afternoon, had peed recently and drank a lot of water all day. They’re doing a blood test but the doctor basically decided I’m not pregnant and seemed annoyed I wasted her time. I feel like there’s no way I could have had a strong positive this morning and in the span of 10 hours had a mmc and hCG already plummeted..

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Blood came back, hCG is at 339 which is on track for me at 4 weeks. Lesson learned for any future pregnancies- I won’t go to the doc so early. This caused a lot of unnecessary anxiety overnight!


Cathy 🇨🇦 • Jan 9, 2019


Posted at
If you went to the doctor late in the day and if you're early in pregnancy won't detect, it needs to be first urine of the day has higher concentration, I work at a clinic and we have the issue a lot


Posted at
Well, that’s weird! Blood test will clear everything up.