Lost my third baby in a row but my husbands first. Please could use support.

makayla • 3rd miscarriage😣 waiting for my rainbow baby 💛💙💜💚

I feel as though i am dying inside i lost my baby the only one i ever got ultrasound pics of. I was almost 8 weeks when on new years <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">eve</a> i went to the hospital for bleeding they told me there was no heartbeat but that they couldnt confirm as to wether it was a mc so i went to my doctor did my 2nd blood test they came back lower but my cervix was closed. Later that night around 2 am the cramps/contraction like pain was unbearable and i passed a couple medium clots and around 5 am two huge blood clots that are pictured below. I feel so alone any other mommies out there that have any advise. We are also wishing for baby dust for when we start trying again thank you ladies.