I got my BFP but still scared


Here’s my story... June 26th 2018 I had my first ultrasound and found out I was 6 weeks and 4 days pregnant. July 6th I found out there was no heartbeat at 8 weeks.. July 11th I had a D&C. I had an ultrasound December 19th to make sure everything was okay. I just got a call back from my OB saying it looked like a normal ultrasound but she said there are some findings that could need further evaluation/treatment I’m supposed to go see her next Friday 1/18 but today I took a pregnancy test because my nipples have been extremely sore they hurt to even touch and I GOT A POSITIVE TEST! I’m worried because I have been experiencing some brown bleeding again and just Monday I was bleeding red like it was the beginning of my period but it’s been brown and just a hint of red but I’m so scared. I just want to have a successful pregnancy. I requested an appointment with my OB and I am hoping I can get in tomorrow. My due date for my first was supposed to be 2/15 and now finding out I’m pregnant again is hitting me a little hard. I’m hoping for the best ❤️