I'm going to sound like a bitch, but...

... my husband is driving me fucking bonkers. I've been SUPER sick my first trimester (I've LOST 15 pounds) and worn out. We have a two year old at home, and we both work full time (he works from home, though). Every night when I get home, he basically finds a "chore" to do, but it feels more like he's avoiding me and our son than actually trying to get stuff done... whatever, he has kind of always done that so I'm used to it. Weekends, too. He disappears for hours downstairs "cleaning" but then I go down and nothing is clean. Beside the point totally, since now he's playing this game AND I've been sick as shit with this baby, he seems like he's making up fake "injuries" to get me to pay extra attention to him. It's winter so we're not super active, and he mysteriously hurt his back "so bad" that he makes a big scene every time he does any bending (he'szuper dramatic, if I'm being honest). Now he needs me to rub his hamstrings for an hour because his back is "messing with his other muscles". I'm in no mood after I put my son to bed to deal with his nonsense because I'm dead tired and i feel like hot garbage. Any time I bring up taking meds or going to see someone for his "injury" he basically plays it off and doesn't answer the question.

If I'm being a bitch, I'm okay with it because I'm being mama to a 2 year old, growing a baby who is making my life kinda suck, and now dealing with a 33 year old toddler on top of it. Does/has anyone else's husband do this shit? I'm annoyed and just looking for solidarity.