Stim day 8 Scan

Hi all,

So my stim day six scan was pretty sad. They nurse only found 4 follicles with one being measurable. She wasn’t hopeful and explained we may need to do an

<a href="">IUI</a>


Today I went in for my stim day 8 scan and there were at least 9 follicles mostly unmeasurable. But one 15mm and two at 9mm and a couple lagging close behind.

Our options are to stop now or continue to day 11 scan on Monday. We decided to give it until day 11.... I guess I’m looking for some positive stories from you ladies! Did anyone have slow response to the drugs? Was anyone in a similar case and it turn out?

I’m 30 with a low AMH of 0.62. Doing ICSI for poor sperm motility.

Thanks for your support!

***UPDATE: Got some good news finally! Continuing until Wednesday (stim day 13) then possible egg collection Friday. Doctor seems happy with this outcome! Didn’t think we would ever get here! Stim day 11 scan and the big one is 21, two smaller ones are at 14 and another small one at 8

still some unmeasurable.

***Update-We have 3 good size/looking follicles and one small one. Doctor is confident to move forward to egg collection on Friday. She feels it’s the best choice with my love AMH and is confident that my age will mean they are good quality!

****Update - egg retrieval today and got 5 eggs- 4 mature - 4 fertilised with ICSI! 😆

*** All four have survived to day 3. And we will have a day 5 transfer tomorrow! Can’t believe this cycle has turned out this way.


* Last update: We got our BFP today at 5dP5dt! 🥳 Still in shock and won’t fully believe it until our blood test at 2 weeks past transfer! 😂 We finished with 2 more frozen all day 5. The fourth embryo made it to day 5 but wasn’t quality enough to be frozen.

*Update- Well it’s been just over a year since this post. We now have a beautiful baby girl who is now 4 months old. 😍 With 2 more high quality eggs frozen we will try for a sibling one day too! 🥰 You never know how a cycle is going to turn out. The best thing is to try to stay positive even though it’s difficult. Positivity kept me going!