Need advice about my marriage


I’m just getting things off my chest. But if anyone reads this and has any advice please fill free to comment. So my husband and I have been married since November 17th 2018. We had dated 3 years and engaged for 1 of those years. We have had many ups and downs through our relationship. Just seems like it has been getting worse since we got married. He has already threatened me with 2 divorces, the first time was a week after we got married, and I don’t even remember what it was about. The second time he got upset because I didn’t clean the kitchen right when he wanted me too and then that kinda manifested into everything else I do wrong. Every time we fight he always tells me I’m immature, selfish and to young (there is a 10 year age difference). But now he’s mad at me again. He hasn’t said anything about a divorce. But this time he got mad because apparently I’m too bossy. We share my car and he drops me off at work before he goes because I start earlier and get off later then he does, so we woke up late and he was taking forever to get dressed, then he didn’t like the shirt he was wearing so he was trying to find another one, and all I said was we are late the one you are wearing looks fine can we please go. He got pissed. So then later in the day when he would finally talk to me I straight out told him I’m tired of him getting mad at every little thing I do or say. And all he said was “don’t talk to me at all” and he hasn’t really talked to me since. I have tryed and he gives me 1 worded answers. Then he brought up getting separate checking accounts because I wanted to get Chinese food. Tonight is the first night since we have been married that he hasn’t slept in our bed. I’m just so confused. Am I doing something wrong, or should he not be getting so upset? I’m so confused. I don’t know what to do. If anyone read this thank you lol. I know it’s long and most likely boring but I don’t have friends and if I tell my mom she would just tell me to leave him. Anyone got any advice?