Ectopic Pregnancy


Hi ladies.

So I’ve been having some issues with my body recently. My last period was lighter than normal and then once it ended I had orangish/pink spotting. I’ve been having really bad pain in my back and lower abdomen (in the ovaries/kidneys area) since my period too. I told my mom about it and she suggested a kidney infection so we went to the doctor today. My urine sample came back clean so they took a blood sample. I almost fainted and threw up everywhere, which I have never done when I’ve had blood drawn before. I know I have some symptoms for pregnancy but I haven’t really been thinking it was that (I just stopped taking meds for bronchitis like 5/6 days ago so)

My doctor suggested it could be an ectopic pregnancy or kidney issues. I’m honestly scared. An ectopic pregnancy. Like I know what it is but like...I’m upset. I could be pregnant and there’s something wrong with my body. I know I don’t know if I am and I won’t know until Monday but I just. I feel like crap. And I know like scientifically it’s a bundle of cells (if it is an ectopic pregnancy) but I really want a baby ya know and it’s just...I’m having a hard time wrapping my head around this.