Are these evap lines???

Lacey • 02/10/09 👧🏼 miscarried 03/23/2022 💔 Pregnant with my rainbow baby 🌈

I bought a cheapie $4 generic brand “first response” test. And after I peed on it and waited and waited ... and waited some more... nothing showed up in the testing windows. Not a “not pregnant “ or “pregnant line” so waited a little longer and now I see two lines but I’ve heard that the blue dye tests don’t work that great, so, therefore I went and got two more tests, also cheapies because I’m not going to spend a lot of money on negative results. But on this test I only got the one line. Now let me tell you a little something, I had my last period 11/2/18, didn’t know I was pregnant and had a miscarriage on 12/12/18. It’s been 41 days since I have had a period, I don’t know when I’ve been ovulating and I haven’t been using protection. But I haven’t started my period and I have been having this pinkish/brownish discharge when I wipe after I potty. Someone please help me. Is this implantation bleeding??? Please any advice is appreciated. I also went to a clinic three days ago and my test was negative. I’m so confused 😢