Dear my mom,

The day you died 7 years ago, broke my little 12 year old heart.

That day my life and my one year old sisters life changed, I changed in ways i hated like now having major depressive disorder, ptsd, anxiety, panic disorder, personality disorder and night paranoia mostly stemming from that horrible day + things that happened in my life other than that.

I am mad and upset you chose drugs instead of your 12 year old and 1 year old but i also understand why you did it. My father broke your heart and your world after you two being together for 13 years and him cheating on you with your best friend and marring her after he told you he never wanted to get married. You were hurt and drugs and alcohol made you forget the pain but choosing drugs passed the hurt and suffering to me I am working through it though as i am almost 20 with a daughter on the way and getting married. I am upset you will not be here to see your beautiful granddaughter be born or to see me get married. This is never how i wanted this important time in my life to go. Although i can not change what happened i can change how i react to it. Mom i wish you could comeback for just one day to hug you and tell you i love you.

You are always in my heart.


Your oldest daughter.