TMI! Has anyone experienced manual removal of your placenta?


Hey everyone.. so long story short. I had my son dec 2016. The doctor had to manually remove my placenta after 40 minutes of me not delivering it after my son. It was a very painful procedure. Has anyone had this procedure done? Were there any long term side effects/ complications from this? Were you able to concieve again after? My doctor never really explained anything to me about it or any aftercare advice. Honestly the procedure tramatized me. I was given NO sort of pain meds for my labour, or afterwards, as my labour was only 3 hours from water break til delivery. Our nurses didnt have time to give me anything. So i felt everything from start to finish and from start to end again.

I suffered a miscarriage a couple monthe ago, after having 2 healthy fullterm pregnancies, i found it very disheartning to have that happen. Im just wondering if this could be linked. My doctor is no help with anything. Shes more focused on the babies health than my own once they are born. Just kinda left on my own to deal i guess.