
Long story short, my current boyfriend and I met while we were both in other relationships. So we started off with really bad trust issues. Which we never really has problems at first but as time has gone on, things are getting complicated. He is constantly accusing me of talking to other guys and cheating on him. I’m not.

Anyways, I value my privacy. I don’t like people going through my things or my phone. I don’t go through his phone but he makes it known that he thinks I’m hiding things because I won’t let him go through mine. I’ve made it very very clear to him that it think it’s disrespectful and rude and an invasion of privacy to go through my phone or vise verse ESPECIALLY without asking first. Well anyways, I caught him going through my phone yesterday and didn’t say anything purely for the fact I wanted to see if he’d own up to it. After a while I confronted him about it after he asked me a few questions (literally almost word for word text messages between me and my friend). He denied it. Still refuses

to admit it..I’m not sure how to go about it because he swears up and down he didn’t do it but he’s basically telling on himself by saying things he couldn’t possible know unless he went through my phone. Any advice?