as a woman how would you feel?

Ok so yesterday my BF and I got into a fight over some misunderstanding but that lead to him telling me how he feels about the things I have been doing lately, but ladies I work nights from 3pm-1am and he works mornings 7am-3pm we both work 5 days a week, we never really see each other until the weekend or when I’m off during the week; so I sleep throughout the day because I have to be a work for 3pm, he comes home on his break with friends, when I wake up he there with friends, I come home from work he’s there with friends, even when he have my car sometimes he comes to pick me up from work with friends, like REALLY WTF!!! So ladies I work 10+hours a day when I come home I wanna immediately come out of my clothes, I usually sleep nude but I have only been sleeping in a shirt and undies, and YES I sit in my living room under my blankets with just my undies on watching tv everyday, I understand that I shouldn’t do that but he doesn’t understand that it shouldn’t be someone in our house every time I come home so I walk around just like it’s just me there, he say I’m disrespecting him and I feel like he is disrespecting me as well to the point I have to have clothes buttoned up to my neck everyday🙄