Silent reflux help


My son was diagnosed with silent reflux at 2 weeks and prescribed Zantac at the time. We did see slight improvement at first however this last week has been horrible. He is very irritable and will cry in pain during and after feedings, began chocking on spit up again, and hates being on his back which causes night time and diaper changes to be a nightmare. This has hindered breastfeeding as he rips off the nipple and cries and isnt on long enough to get full. So out of desperation I gave him a bottle and each time he guzzles 4 or more ounces of milk. He is now 5 weeks and his weight has gone up from 7 lbs to 9 lbs. the doctor does not want to increase his dosage because he is gaining weight. However I think he is gaining weight because he is constantly wanting to eat to sooth the reflux. I can tell he is in pain and his symptoms are coming back but like I said doctor doesn’t want to increase dosage. What should I do?! Yes I have tried elevating his bassinet, feeding up right, keeping him up 30 minutes after feedings, all that good stuff that doesn’t work.