My big boy

Baby is weighing an estimated 7lbs 10 oz at my 38wk ultrasound. He is finally head down after being transverse the entire 2nd and basically entire third trimester! Me and my SO made a bet as to what he weighed he guessed 6 lbs I said 7 lbs so I win a chipotle burrito for lunch today lol 
Everything seemed normal on the ultrasound except for a small dilated area of baby's bowel. My doctor didn't seem overly concerned but of course we've googled ourselves to death and are worried baby might need intestinal surgery after being born 😔 we are praying the doctor is right to tell us not to worry since they cannot treat (if he needs treatment) until after birth. (C section Wednesday) so I'm going to probably get no sleep worrying for the next 4 days 😩.