Please help me with advice


So I’m 7 weeks and 4 days now. I went to the doctors on Monday to check for my weight and other stuff. No ultrasound yet til next week when I’m 8 weeks. Well pre pregnancy i was weighting 136 pounds and now I weight 122!! I’ve lost so much weight during my first 7 weeks. I can’t eat anything like I eat maybe two or bites and that it and want to throw up but then get so hungry after but when I eat again I want to throw up. I want to eat I really do but i can’t seem to find anything that i could keep down and actually eat. I don’t really have any cravings as well.

If anyone had any type of problem like this during the first trimester. Can you suggest something I can actually eat?? I try almost everything but like I said I can’t keep it down or I start feeling nauseous.

I need to gain some weight for my baby so he or she can grow big and healthy 🙏🏽😭