My 8 year old won’t stop coming into my bed!


Every single night without fail, no matter what I try to do to make the bedtime routine easier, my 8 year old son ends up in my bed. It started around November and it’s been relentless. EVERY SINGLE NIGHT. He has been sleeping at the very bottom of my bed. As soon as I go upstairs to tuck them in, he goes missing and just assumes he can sleep there. I have not been a co sleeper parent and up until recent months my son has been pretty independent, and still is independent except for sleep. Now our family has gone through a lot of turmoil with family members getting cancer and a divorce (mine). But I’m very cautious about talking or expressing emotions around my sons. So what do I do? Is my kid ok? Every time I ask him what is wrong he tells me he is scared to sleep alone. But 5 year old brother has no problem being alone. I need help!! I’m so exhausted from getting no sleep. And something needs to change. I’m ah my witts end. And I know it’s not his fault. Please help!