Would you be mad at your friend for this?

So a little bit of info first..We have been friends for about 15 years, since 4th grade. Since the trump election happened, she has gotten very political (she was never like this before) and won’t tolerate any opinion other than her own..and has also begun to act very lazy and ‘entitled’, which has caused me to distance myself a lot. So me being mad at her stems from a bit more than what just happened.

With that said, here’s what happened last week. She works at a kiosk in our local mall that mainly sells body jewelry. If they don’t have something in stock, they will order it for you if they can find it on their vendor’s website. So I was looking for some specific lip rings, I knew they didn’t have them in stock so I texted her and asked if she could look for them. She texted back and said she found them. They can’t order without payment first, so she told me she’d be at work until 4pm the next day. I came there around 3:30pm. When I got there, she had NO other customers at all the whole time I was there. It went something like this:

Me- so can I see those lip rings?

Her- oh, I didn’t find them.

M- you told me you found them yesterday?

H- I never said that. I said I’d look for them

M- you literally texted me that you found some. Can you look them up?

H-no, my shift is done in 20 minutes.(mind you, she’s sitting there, doing absolutely nothing)

M- you cant just search it really quick?

H-well I only have 20 minutes left..

M-and it only takes a few seconds to type that in the search bar..?

H-well now I only have like 15 minutes.


H- my shift is almost done..I’ll look tomorrow though (continues to do absolutely nothing)

Then I didn’t say anything else to her I just rolled my eyes and left. It really pissed me off. She had plenty of time to look it up and order it, but apparently she just didn’t want to do anything else for the rest of her shift. If it was a regular customer she would’ve done it in a heartbeat. And I know if I had waited until the shift change and asked her coworker, she would’ve done it. But I was mad so I left, and I haven’t been back and haven’t talked to her at all since. She’s texted me a few times but none of them had anything to do with what happened, and she never texted me about looking for them the next day.