Idk what to do anymore

So my baby daddy who I dated for 3 years and was about to get married to and had our baby 7 months ago and I’ve felt like I’ve been begging him to spend time with his daughter . He never ask to see her and only sees her every other weekend. He just recently had a baby with the girl he cheated on me with . And I already see him favoriting her . He has her name all over social media puts my daughter last on everything and doesn’t even spell her name right . I’m always the one who drops off and picks her up from his house . He doesn’t help financially every time I ask him for money he blocks me . I tried the whole child support thing but he doesn’t have steady job so I won’t be getting anything and every time he’s with his gf he blocks me

. He suppose to have her this weekend but will not be because he will be to busy with his other child . And my child can’t be with him when he’s with his gf bc I have a restraining order on her bc she threatened my daughter .when I had my baby and was staying at his house bc I couldn’t walk and had no one to help me but him.

I’m at the point where I’m no longer going to push him to have a relationship with his daughter if he wants to see her he can come to my house but I’m no longer going to go out of my way so he can see her . So he can feel like a good dad .