Healthy weight?


Hey all. I’m 25 rather newly married and trying to conceive our first for about four months now. I’ve always had a fluctuating weight since graduating high school. I’ve always been considered underweight being 109 throughout high school and 98 for a few years after (no I never struggled with an eating disorder) but have a high metabolism and can never seem to get over a certain weight. I have been lucky enough to have gained my mother’s body type almost exactly and she surprisingly had twins (my brother and I) plus two other children in separate pregnancies. I’m still a little worried that being considered underweight could be a problem conceiving or even carrying. I’m active but could benefit from a work out routine or a way to maybe tone up and build some muscle that I could adapt during pregnancy as well. My diet isn’t unhealthy, with fruits and veggies and meats usually a little bit from each food group and only a small bit of junk food here and there. I’ve tried those calorie tracker apps to try to help gain weight but without a “menu” I could never eat enough calories to gain anything.

Sorry for the long post but I could use some advice or help with a routine to start. Anything to help get me on the right track.

I’m currently 5’7 and 110 lbs. Posted is a photo of my mother and I at my bridal shower last year.